Wild Honey


The first thing you hear on Wild Honey’s debut album, “Epic Handshakes And A Bear Hug”, is a “uhuhuuu”, then a voice, then some handclaps… and bit by bit, everything starts to fit in it’s place at the right time: a trumpet and a ukulele, a keyboard, whistles… Guillermo Farré takes the name for this new musical adventure from a Beach Boys album that has been underrated most of the time. An album that contains amazing songs where every little detail occupies an important but discreet space. But wonders are never discreet, and a careful and attentive listen reveals the magnificence that lies underneath. The same can be applied to Wild Honey.

Apart from Wild Honey’s concert, this Spain Now! night at The Cinema Museum will also bring you an interactive performance of Flashing Bodies by agents provocateurs Completely Naked. Prepare to be surprised and throw caution to the wind and your inhibitions to one side. This will be one fun night.

Artist: Wild Honey + Flashing Bodies
When: Fri, 05/11/2010
Event Times: From 7pm
Venue: The Cinema Museum, Kennington, London
Venue Details: The Master’s House, 2 Dugard Way, London SE11 4TH