Event Times: 12pm until late
Venue: Spain NOW! Pop Up Space @ The Gallery Soho
Venue Details: 121-125 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0EW
Space Bending |Curated by Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf
That morning the sky was clear and sunny. The north wind was crossing the meadows, moving gently the smell of the frost. The silence, resounding. Just the tweet of a lark from the distance. Three hours later, forty-seven thousand corpses were spread all over the battle field.
Space is what happens.
Perception is the concoction of our physical stimuli and our psychological background. But space is what is going to happen as well. The potential scene of any event. And he final experience is the conjunction of our physical approach, the simultaneousness of past-present-future presences of the environment, and the projection of our own memories over the scene.
Considering all these premises, space emerges as a tool itself. By disfiguring our physical environment a new sensory scene appears. A process of creation through distortion.
This exhibition -consisting of three installations- is a journey where physical and psychological distortion collide, creating a new territory to explore.
Installations -First Floor
{3pm} Serrano Brothers
3 seconds captured for 30 days at 3pm
Same heartbeat for life, dramatic ephemeral sensations, external inputs, introspective view. In {3pm} space is what remains, an ephemeral, anonymous and relevant moment building our own deepest cognitive conscience through the privilege of isolation.
Experience: Maybe inspiration is just to apply a mutation of the information that come to us from events in a continuous line of time. So what if we try to catch only certain moments in discontinuous lapses? In {3pm} experiment we’ve tested it, and the result is an experience of introspective view about feelings and thoughts that came to our minds during the observation of these pieces of daily life, the bombing that pushed us to create this immersive installation.
{3pm} is not a space, it’s just a necessary interlude. Inside a small isolation cage, in a luminous red box isle in the middle of a continuous datascape, we find a precise break of continuity.
The Eternal Advent – Part II by Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf
Mystical experiences are one of the most intense ways of space-time distortion. Hope, faith, visions and ecstasy. Transcendent events in the border of consciousness that launch an undefined and blurry landscape to cross.
This immersive installation dives into a never-ending ascension. Sitting in the waiting room, we begin a journey through a visual and sound experience. A psycho-acoustical travel through constant rising. Space limits disappear during our wait, our eternal wait. Meanwhile, our mind keeps looking for a culmination that never comes.
Installation Second Floor
The Blinking Room Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf
Every space is the frame of a potential situation. A crime and a birth; a rape and an armistice; a drug deal and the beginning of love. Everything could happen, everything has happened in every single room.
In this installation we move inside a quick sequence of different scenes. We witness a fast progression of lights and soundscapes that define specific situations. A succession of instants, moments and happenings that actually occurred. Space as the stage of life.
14th Nov. 5:00pm
Curator’s talk
by Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf
A guided tour of this year’s pop-up space led by its curator, which will offer an insight in to the concepts behind the various installations.
16th Nov. 6:30pm
Round Table – Digging the Spanish Earth
This discussion will explore how the work of literally digging up the past is inspiring Academia and Spanish artistsalike to address the issue of memory, and how various art forms including film-making and photography are being used in the process. With Dacia Viejo-Rose (Cambridge University), José Velázquez (documentary maker), Tom Levin (founder Anti-Museum), Layla Renshaw (Kingston University) and Tracey Moberly (artist and activist)
17th Nov. 7:00pm Pop Up Space
Launch Party
An opportunity to fully explore the commissioned pieces until late.
22nd Nov. 6:30pm –
Poetry Illustrated
Three Spanish young poets and three illustrators have collaborated to create pieces where images and words become one: the illustrated shapes of words to come.
Curated by Silvia Terrón Poets: Pilar Adón, Julián Cañizares Mata and Ana Gorría Illustrators: Pablo Gallo, Fidel Martínez and Sonia Pulido
25th Nov. 7:00pm
We have nothing more to talk about: A closing evening of music and performances
– PERFORMANCE – The Smell of Viscera. By Javier Marqueríe Thomas In order to observe something, patience is necessary, one look is not sufficient. Observation is only established in the realm of repetition. No single object is unique, just as no experience (of it) is reproducible. A paradox of the foetus in utero, a paradox of infinity; a border beside another, a beginning next to an end, with limits but limitless. Here, the smell of viscera is strong, it is hermetic.
– PERFORMANCE – What the fuck is this horse head doing here?. By Miguel Guzmán I went to the Temple of the Displaced everyday. Everyday, same time, same direction, same temple, same room, same spot, same tools, same position. A deep breath and the question: What the fuck is this horse head doing here? Then, my duel with his eye started again…
– MUSIC – Estela Aparisi Vs One Hand Man’s Band The raw and broken blues of Nacho Castañón meets the eclectic and vintage sounds of Estela Aparisi.
Daily sessions at 12pm and 7pm
14th-20th Nov.
– FF>> Fresh Fashion from Spain (that you won’t want to fast forward!) Four Spanish Young Designers to watch (American Perez, El colmillo de morsa, La Casita de Wendy and Martin Lamothe) condense their creative universe in a video strand, curated by Noelia Terrón-Laya. . Curated by Noelia Terrón –
-Cut Here \ A selection of some of the best independent Spanish music videos of the past year. Where are your dancing shoes? . Curated by Nacho Piedra
20th- 27th Nov.
– Crash, POA & Live performances, by Suso33
– The Latency and Resonances of things to come, by Pablo A. Padilla Jargstorf
– Music Dreams by Alejandro Silván Castiella curated by Carlota Santabárbara