How would you define yourself?
As a person dedicated to bring some beauty and harmony to the world through painting.
What can the audience expect from your collaboration with Spain NOW!?
The audience is offered an analysis of the world through landscapes. Where the colour white is the main protagonist, there are no backgrounds, only lines, which when joined show us harbours, buildings… Painting with the minimum of elements, life seen as a landscape formed of horizons, absences, silence….that invite to an intimate reflection.
What do you think your collaboration with Spain NOW! will bring for you?
Personally, I think that to show my work as part of Spain NOW! is an incentive and an opportunity, which professionally can make you more visible outside of Spain. An event such as this is a wonderful way to promote and encourage art.
Describe or give us some insights about your creative process.
I carry out an investigation on the protagonism of the line and the balance between the line and the spots of olour, and the feelings of harmony they provoke on the audience.
I am interested in the mixing of materials: grafite, pencil, watercoulour and oil.
I will continue delving into the laguages of the painterly tradition, which have developed since the 1990s, as part of what is being called ‘lyrical abstraction’, or in a more general expression ‘ post-painting’.
Where have you shown internationally before? And in Spain?
In France I show at CIAC and Agenes B space in Pont Aven.
In Italy I am represented by Ilona Biondi and work also with the Ilmilioe gallery in Milan.
My work is available in the USA, too.
In Spain, I have shown in Valencia (IVAM) and ARCO (Madrid). In 2013 I wil collaborate with with MACE in Ibiza. My gallery in Madrid is Alberto Cornejo and ‘El Taller del Prado’ for my graphic work.
What can you say about the current state of Spanish culture within your field?
These are difficult times and this hardship feeds creativity.
What other emergent Spanish artists can you recommend for those who enjoy your work?
Diego Baselga, sculptor. David Rodriguez Caballero, Emilio Gañan or Carlos Pascual (painters).
And amongst the classics, I would recommend poets like José Hierro or Ángel González.
Define your work (either in general or your collaboration with Spain Now) in a sentence…
‘Lives as landscapes’ or ‘Never having been achieved’, an homage to poet Jose Hierro, are the titles of my last two solo shows.
Define yourself as:
a “saying”: you can’t make a leopard change his spots
a geographical accident: fiord
an animal/mineral/plant: a gliding seagull, rock crystal, an almond tree in bloom
a dish/food: carpaccio
a London Underground station: Abbey Road